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Friday, June 5, 2009


Iguazu Falls from above

HEY !!!!! these are real brazilians ...what were you expecting ????
Super Models ????

Brazilian Cockroaches

In such a big country, with so many cultural influences as Brazil, this is not strange. It’s a direct consequence of the way the different original cultures blended: the European (namely Portuguese), the African (mostly from the sub-Saharan west coast’s culture) and the Indian (the Tupi, the Guarani, the GĂȘ, the Arwak, the Cari, and other groups). The Europeans brought, with them, the force that has imposed the language, the Christian faith, etc. But the Portuguese also brought the culture of their slaves, the black African culture of Angola and other sub-Saharan regions, with its religion, its music, its joy of life – a culture that would shape the Brazilian spirit in an unexpected strong way, much more profound than in North America.

Geography Brazil is the sixth most populated country in the world and the most populous country in Latin America with 180 million people. It is the fifth largest in size. The country is ethnically diverse and has a vibrant culture of music, dance, art, food, media, and fashion. Brazil is a Federal Republic with 26 states and a federal district, where Brasilia, the capital is located. The executive branch consists of the president (chief of state and head of government) popularly elected to a single 4-year term.

The Climate varies a great deal according to latitude and altitude. The annual average temperature is approximately 28 degrees centigrade in the north and 20 in the south. The national sport is futebol (soccer) with a very passionate following. Basketball, volleyball, swimming, fishing, boating, and car racing are also popular.

LanguagePortuguese is the official language of Brazil. Except for the languages spoken by Indian tribes living in remote reservations, Portuguese is the only language of daily life. There are no regional dialects. Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America. However, Spanish is more or less understood by many Brazilians.

okay !!!!!!!!!!!! here's a super model for yallllllll

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