Believe it or not, there are a number of structures taller even than the Burj Dubai. The tallest structure in the world, however, is an unusual candidate that reaches more than twice as far down into the ocean as said tallest skyscraper reaches into the sky. The Ursa tension-leg platform is an oil-production facility that is tethered to the ocean floor and is in many ways a surprising reverse of what most people imagine when they think of the world’s tallest structures.

Radio towers and mine shafts have in many cases exceeded skyscraper heights, though of course these are supported by other means (such as secondary cables and surrounding soils). The Ursa platform is directly supported by its 4 primary tethers, though in an inverse way from how we normally understand load: the structure is held down rather than held up.

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thanks for letting us know the unknonwn things
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