My Gospel Band

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Almonds: A source of "good" fat, almonds can help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol!

Berries: They're jammed with vitamins — particularly vitamin C — but new research has found these sweet little sensations to be ace disease fighters too, helping to prevent bladder infections and even cancers, among other illnesses.

Broccoli: Folate, vitamin C, calcium — broccoli is packed with all these awesome nutrients. Now researchers think it might also fight cancer!

Avocado: The large number of calories in a serving of avocado is totally worth it! This source of healthy fat contains a ton of vitamin K and potassium and is also associated with lower cholesterol and even the prevention of breast cancer!

Salmon: Low in calories, easy to prepare, and amazingly good for you — what's not to love about salmon? And the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are great for your heart!

Olive oil: Another good fat! Besides making your food incredibly tasty, olive oil can also protect you from heart disease.

Green tea: So much research has touted the benefits of green tea, it's hard to know where to begin! But here's a sample: A Japanese study in 2006 showed that green tea lowered the risk of death from all causes.

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