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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What was Important to Jesus

Word spread throughout Jerusalem that Jesus was coming. The crowds had heard about His wonderful teachings and the miracles Heperformed, how He raised Lazarus from the dead. And they welcomed Himwith a triumphal shout, "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of theLord, even the King of Israel." It was a time of excitement and eventhe Pharisees conceded, "look, the world has gone after Him" (vs. 12-19).

But, soon afterward, when Philip met in private with Jesus, He didnot talk like a conqueror. Instead of talking about power, He spokeabout being a servant. Instead of talking about life, He talked aboutdeath. He was not planning a revolt or plotting a movement. Instead,He said that the only way to bear fruit was to be like a grain ofwheat that falls into the ground and dies.
While Palm Sunday reminds us why we need to fill our lives withpraise for Jesus, we also need to reflect on what was important toHim that day. He knew that popularity and worldly success aretemporary conditions. But if we want our lives to bear fruit, we needto commit everything to Him, sow seeds with the resources we havebeen given, be a living sacrifice, serve Him faithfully, and followHim wherever He leads us.

Today, focus your life on serving Jesus. If you do, God will honoryou, and He will bring meaning for your life and make you fruitful

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